Selection of disintegrants for wet granulation method of “Angiolin” tablets


  • I. A. Mazur
  • L. I. Kucherenko
  • A. S. Bidnenko
  • E. A. Portnaya



Angiolin, Disintegrants, Tablets, Wet Granulation


Every year there are about 9.4 million people who die from cardiovascular diseases. Among them, 51% of people are dying from stroke, and 45 % – from coronary heart disease. Today disease of the cardiovascular system is the number 1 problem in the world and in Ukraine. Annually cardiovascular disease kills more than 500 thousands of Ukrainians; it is about 1370 people every day. According to the State Statistics Service, about half of the deaths in 2016 in Ukraine had been caused by cardiovascular diseases. In comparison with 2015, the death rates have not changed in Ukraine. This shows low culture of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease among Ukrainians.

Aim of our work is the selection of disintegrants to produce tablets “Angiolin” by wet granulation method with an active compound content of 200 mg.

Materials and methods. 6 Disintegrants have been studied, most of which were presented in market only in recent years and were not used in the pharmaceutical tableting technology.

Results. The disintegrants were studied in the experiment: a1 – potato starch, a2 – croscarmellose sodium, a3 – polyplasdone XL-10, a4 – carboxymethyl starch sodium, a5 – microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) burst, a6 – likotab P. The effect of disintegrants on the technological characteristics of “Angiolin” tablets has been studied and the possibility of their use by wet granulation method has been confirmed.

Conclusion. The selected disintegrant, namely sodium croscarmellose has showed better results and will be used for “Angiolin” tableting by wet granulation method in the future.


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How to Cite

Mazur IA, Kucherenko LI, Bidnenko AS, Portnaya EA. Selection of disintegrants for wet granulation method of “Angiolin” tablets. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Nov.10 [cited 2025Feb.23];18(5). Available from:



Problems of pharmacy