Hemodynamic abnormalities of feto-placental complex in influenza virus infection


  • L. R. Nikogosyan Odessa National Medical University,
  • V. P. Mishchenko Odessa National Medical University,
  • I. V. Rudenko Odessa National Medical University,
  • V. K. Likhachov Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy,




ultrasonography, influenza virus, pregnant women


The aim of the work was to carry out of ultrasound examination of a feto-placental complex in pregnant women who were infected with influenza or infected with influenza at the time of examination.

Materials and Methods. 102 pregnant women were examined. Ultrasound diagnostics of a feto-placental complex, utero-placental, feto-placental blood circulation state has been done by the method dopplerography.

Results. In the first trimester the local hypertonia was revealed in 60,8 % of pregnant women, partial detachment of chorion - in 7,8 %, ovum localization in the bottom departments of uterus - in 48,0 %. In second trimester the general hypertonia was revealed in 71,6 % of monitoring, low placentation - in 58,8 %, placental dysfunction - in 100 %, premature maturation of placenta - in 43,1 %, hypotrophy and hypertrophy of placenta - in 54,9 % and 41,2 % respectively; hydramnion and oligoamnios - in 32,4 % and 16,7 % respectively, partial placental abruption - in 24,5 %, risk of late-term abortion – in 31,4 %, threat of preterm birth – in 36,3 %, fetal growth retardation syndrome - in 52,9 %. In the third trimester the general hypertonia was revealed in 72,5 % of monitoring, partial placental abruption - in 27,5 %, low placentation - in 48,0 %, placental dysfunction - in 100 %, premature maturation of placenta and hypotrophy of placenta - in 45,1 % and 56,9 % respectively, hypertrophy of placenta - in 44,1 %, hydramnion and oligoamnios - in 37,3 % and 17,6 %, fetal growth retardation syndrome - in 59,8 %. Disturbance of utero-placental blood circulation was diagnosed in 52,9 % of cases, feto-placental blood circulation - in 70,6 %, acute fetal distress - in 29,4 %, chronic fetal distress - in 70,6 %.

Conclusions. Ultrasound examination of feto-placental complex in pregnant women who were infected with influenza or infected with influenza at the time of examination has shown that the pregnancy was accompanied by high frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications. This method permits to reveal the risk of complications development timely.


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How to Cite

Nikogosyan LR, Mishchenko VP, Rudenko IV, Likhachov VK. Hemodynamic abnormalities of feto-placental complex in influenza virus infection. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Feb.1 [cited 2025Mar.11];19(1). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/91638



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