Contemporary view on the nature of deficient states in early age children


  • N. V. Banadyha Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University,



dyselementosis, immunoglobulin, infant, children


The aim of the study. To set the peculiarities of micronutrient deficiencies and activity of humoral immunity in young children.

Materials and methods. Comprehensive survey of 106 children with iron deficiency anemia under 3 years involved special study methods, such as: determination of serum zinc and copper and their excretion in the urine; assessment of humoral immunity (serum immunoglobulins).

Results. Patients with light and severe anemia prevailed, most part of them were two years old ones(43.4 %). The leading factors of anemia were nutritional, short-term feeding with human milk, early use of unmodified cow's milk (in 30.2 % of cases), untimely and incomplete introduction of foods. Physical and psychomotor development were assessed, rickets was diagnosed.

Iron deficiency anemia in children was accompanied with dyselementosis: significantly reduced serum copper (11.74 ± 0.48) mmol/l, p < 0.05, with significantly lower values at the first and second stages. The daily excretion of copper in all surveyed was significantly lower compared to the control. Significant reduction in serum zinc was found in children with iron deficiency anemia (12.18 ± 0.34) mmol/l and the downward trend of zinc daily excretion of urine (341.11 ± 11.56) mg/day. Iron deficiency anemia was accompanied by impaired humoral immunity, lowered maintenance of IgG, Ig activated synthesis A which was probably compensatory in nature, when in conditions of iron deficiency serum bactericidal ability usually decreases.

Conclusions. Modern clinic deficient states in young children are defined as polydeficient status: iron deficiency anemia in 82.1 % of cases is combined with significantly low levels of copper, zinc in serum and violations of excretion in urine; in 36.8 % of patients with rickets; in 48.1 % of patients with disharmonious physical development. Dyselementosis diagnosed on the background of iron deficiency anemia in combination with dysimmunoglobulinemia (reduced synthesis of IgG, upward trend IgA), which coincides in time with the "critical" periods of the formation of the immune system, leads to stress of physiological processes of exchange and immunogenesis in early age children.


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How to Cite

Banadyha NV. Contemporary view on the nature of deficient states in early age children. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Mar.14 [cited 2025Feb.23];19(2). Available from:



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