Characteristics of the opportunistic infections in patients with HIV-infection 3-4 stage


  • M. O. Andrushchak Bukovina State Medical University,



HIV, opportunistic infections, cryptococcosis, рneumocystis pneumonia, histoplasmosis


Objective: To analyze the main opportunistic infections group characteristic in patients with HIV-infection 3–4 stage.

The article is dedicated to the basic characteristics of the related diseases that occur in the later stages of HIV infection. Ways of origin, clinical symptoms, severity and complications were discussed. According to UNAIDS not HIV-infection but associated diseases one of the leading causes of death in these patients. In the next decade, as before, these diseases will play a significant role in global average premature mortality. As it is known, a feature of HIV is to lead to the development of the opportunistic infections and multiple organ lesions on a background of progressive immunodeficiency. As a result, doctors of all specialties increasingly have to deal with various diseases of organs and systems, which can develop in patients with HIV infection.

Therapy, which is intended for patients with HIV infection, is usually different. Interaction of drugs and their toxicity, high risk of serious side effects should be noted. This problem can be solved by improving prescribing schemes taking into account the features of the disease in each case specifically.

Conclusions: Opportunistic infections in HIV-infected – a unique group of diseases that develop on the background of immunodeficiency state and differ significantly from other infectious diseases. The uniqueness lies in the peculiarities of clinical manifestations and requirements of the prescribed therapy. Opportunistic infections are the major cause of lesions and lethal effects in patients with HIV infection. From early diagnosis of co-infection treatment depends on the success and longevity of patients, as well as preventive measures. Tendency to multiple organ and systemic lesions require differential diagnosis with modern research techniques, including specific immunological and serological methods.


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How to Cite

Andrushchak MO. Characteristics of the opportunistic infections in patients with HIV-infection 3-4 stage. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Mar.14 [cited 2025Feb.22];19(2). Available from: